CMS Medicare Data Fraud Detection GitHub
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FashionMNIST ConvNets
Keras Deep Learning R
FashionMNIST ConvNets Deep Learning Project
Using two Deep learning models to Classify the image from Fashion-MNIST dataset
Basic Model (fully connected layer model)
Convolutional neural networks (ConvNets)
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Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Tesla Stock Analysis and Forecasting by Time Series Models
Time Series Analysis GitHub Tesla Stock Forecasting by Time Series Models By getting the Tesla Company’s stock information (NASDAQ: TSLA) through the Yahoo Finance. This project will apply the time series analysis methods to investigate the TSLA’s basic information, decompose the TLSA’s time series. The exponential smoothing methods to forecast...
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Twitter Text Mining
Trump and Clinton’s Tweets Analysis in 2016 presidential campaign.
Twitter Text Mining Github Twitter text mining is getting lots of attention in the recent years. We will use the tidy package to analysis text. One way to analyze the sentiment of a text is to consider the text as a combination of its individual words and the sentiment content...
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