Exploring Inc. Magazine’s 2018 fastest growing private companies in America
Data Visualization Website: https://inc2018-dataviz-tj.herokuapp.com
Exploring Inc. Magazine’s 2018 5000 fastest growing private companies in United States
Data Source
- Inc. Magazine has published the fastest growing private companies ranking list every year. The full data sets are hosted in the data.world.
- 2018 Data (Geo Data added in 2018 List)
- 2007 - 2017 Data
Project Overview
- Data Storage : PostgreSQL
- Workflow Engine (WFE): Flask Web Server/SQLAchemy/Python
- Web Application/GUI : HTML/CSS, JavaScript,D3,Leaflet.js
- Production Deployment on Heroku.com: (https://inc2018-dataviz-tj.herokuapp.com)
- Product : Interactive Web Data Journalism Visualization, JSON format API data for INC 5000 data
1. Data Extract and Load
- CSV formatted Data downloaded from the data.world
- Local :Using python/SQLAchemy/psycopg2 to Extract out(GitHub)/Load into(GitHub) the PostgreSQL database
- Deployment: Will use the PostgreSQL DB on the heroku.com. The database initialization script(initdb.py) is here
- Flask Webserver will provide the JSON format API data
2. Workflow Engine and JSON API format
- Using the Flask Web server/SQLAchemy/Python to create the API route and JSON data for data visualization
- Flask API JSON Data Route: (app.py)
Return Full Inc2018 5000 JSON Metadata -
@app.route(“/2018metadata/pages/ < num >”)
Return Inc2018 5000 JSON Metadata by page, when num=0 return full data -
@app.route(“/2018metadata/ < filter_name >”)
Return filtered Inc2018 5000 JSON Metadata -
@app.route(“/2018metadata/plot/ < plot_name >”)
Return filtered Inc2018 5000 JSON Metadata for plotting -
@app.route(“/rank/ < ranking_number >”)
Return ranking query JSON data -
@app.route(“/state_s/ < state_s >”)
Return State query JSON data -
@app.route(“/state_l/ < state_l > /< page_num >”)
Return State long name data by page -
@app.route(“/city/< city > / < page_num >”)
Return city data by page -
@app.route(“/years_on/ < yrs_on_list >”)
Return years on the list query JSON data -
@app.route(“/years_on/ < yrs_on_list > / < page_num >”)
Return years on the list query JSON data by page -
@app.route(“/founded_year/< founded >”)
Return founded year query JSON data -
@app.route(“/founded_year/< founded>/
") Return founded year query JSON data by page -
@app.route(“/industry/< industry>/
") Return industry data by page -
Return growth/revenue data groupby industry -
Return top ten cities -
Return the top ten companies -
Return growth/revenue data groupby states
- API JSON Data Format
3. Data Visualization
- Explore the Geo-location relation with the fastest growing private companies.
- States views of the companies
- City views of companies
- Industry-related views of companies
- Revenues-related views of companies
- Distribution companies by different filters
- Explore the individual company information
- Visualization the company basic information
- Headcount/Revenue/Years on the list/CEO
- Website information
4. Data Visualization Website and Dashboard
- Dashboard
- Overview the whole dataset:Geo Information/Industry Information/Top Cities and Top companies
- Full List
- Company Profiles
- Choose the rank/city/state/founded year and years-on-list to get detailed information
- Choose the rank/city/state/founded year and years-on-list to get detailed information
- Industry Charts
- Choose the industry sector/city/state/founded year and years-on-list to get industry-based growth and revenue information
- Choose the industry sector/city/state/founded year and years-on-list to get industry-based growth and revenue information
- Location Charts
- Choose the city/state/founded year and years-on-list to get loaction-based information
- Choose the city/state/founded year and years-on-list to get loaction-based information
- Table List
- Choose the industry/city/state/founded year and years-on-list to full raw data table by page
- Choose the industry/city/state/founded year and years-on-list to full raw data table by page
- Maps
- Display all Geo information and related Growth and Revenue information
- Display all Geo information and related Growth and Revenue information
#### 5. Deployment Notes
Initialization Database: Set the primary key before the deployment.
- $heroku pg:pgql - $ALTER TABLENAME ADD PRIMARY KEY (key_name);
PostgreSQL Heroku deployment
Create postgreSQL db - $heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev - $heroku pg:info Push local DB into Heroku -$ heroku pg:push mylocaldb HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAGENTA --app APPNAME
- Connecting to Python
- To use PostgreSQL as your database in Python applications you will need to use the psycopg2 package.
import os import psycopg2 DATABASE_URL = os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] conn = psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URL, sslmode='require')
Fully Test on all browsers: Safari/Chrome/Firefox/IE to solve the compatiable issues
- Git Process
- git add .
- git commit -am "note"
- git push
- git push heroku master