Web Visualization Flask Full Stack Application


Belly Button Biodiversity https://belly-button-biodiversity-tj.herokuapp.com

Bacteria by filterforge.com

This project is to build an interactive dashboard to explore the Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet.

Part 1 - Plotly.js

Use Plotly.js to build interactive charts for your dashboard.

  • Create a PIE chart that uses data from your samples route (/samples/<sample>) to display the top 10 samples.

    • Use sample_values as the values for the PIE chart

    • Use otu_ids as the labels for the pie chart

    • Use otu_labels as the hovertext for the chart

  • Create a Bubble Chart that uses data from your samples route (/samples/<sample>) to display each sample.

    • Use otu_ids for the x values

    • Use sample_values for the y values

    • Use sample_values for the marker size

    • Use otu_ids for the marker colors

    • Use otu_labels for the text values

  • Display the sample metadata from the route /metadata/<sample>

    • Display each key/value pair from the metadata JSON object somewhere on the page
  • Adapt the Gauge Chart to plot the Weekly Washing Frequency obtained from the route /wfreq/<sample>

  • Update all of the plots any time that a new sample is selected.

Part 2 - Heroku

Deploy this Flask app to Heroku. https://belly-button-biodiversity-tj.herokuapp.com

Part 3 Flask API

Use Flask API starter code to serve the data needed for your plots.

  • metadata API: route /metadata/<sample>
  • sample API: route /sample/<sample>
  • wash freq. API: route /wfreq/<sample>

Deployment Notes:

Renaming Apps from the CLI:
$ heroku apps:rename newname
You can also rename an app from outside of its associated Git repository by including the –app option in the command:
$ heroku apps:rename newname –app oldname

Updating Git remotes:
$ git remote rm heroku
$ heroku git:remote -a newname