[Project Website]https://pyligent.github.io/Car_ETL_PROJECT/
Table of Contents
Data Source
- Scraped: Kijiji Car Website (GTA Data)
- Scraped: https://www.autolist.com (U.S. Data)
- API: Car Query API (use the json files)
- CSV: Fuel Economy Web Service offers the fuel economy database
- CSV: https://www.kaggle.com/toramky/automobile-dataset/kernels?sortBy=hotness&group=everyone&pageSize=20&datasetId=1291&language=Python
1. Extraction
1.1. Extract all listing car information in GTA area from kijiji website
A. Kijiji Scaper (raw data) - Jupyter Notebook
B. Kijiji Scaper (clean data with vin number and image link) - Jupyter Notebook
Key Car information is as below(Clean Data Scraper):
- ‘brand’
- ‘model’
- ‘model_year’ : Type: int
- ‘list_price’ : Type: int
- ‘color’
- ‘configration’
- ‘condition’
- ‘body_type’
- ‘wheel_config’
- ‘transmission’
- ‘fuel_type’
- ‘mileage’ : Type: int
- ‘carfax_link’
- ‘vin_number’
- ‘image_link’
- ‘dealer_address’
Car Information link: https://www.kijiji.ca/v-cars-trucks/city-of-toronto/2009-ford-f-150-xlt-super-crew-4x4/1385290163
- brand: ‘Ford’
- model: ‘F-150’
- model_year:’2009’
- list_price:’11999’
- color: ‘Blue’
- configration: ‘XLT’
- condition: ‘Used’
- body_type: ‘Pickup Truck’
- wheel_config: ‘4 x 4’
- transmission: ‘Automatic’
- fuel_type: ‘Gasoline’
- mileage: ‘204000’
- carfax_link: ‘https://www.carproof.com/order?ref=kijiji&vin=1FTRW14819FB42024’
- vin_number: ‘1FTRW14819FB42024’
- image_link: ‘https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NDgwWDY0MA==/z/c9AAAOSwDkBbpAaq/$_59.JPG’
- dealer_address: ‘2 Castleton Ave unit 3, York, ON, M6N 3Z5’
1.2. Extract all listing car information from autolist website
2. Transformation
2.1 Data Tansform - Scraped Data
- Clean the dirty data
Merge the csv/api data to get the MPG and displacement information
- Kijiji Data Transformation and Plot - Jupyter Notebook
- Kijiji Data merge with MPG/Displacement- Jupyter Notebook
- Kijiji Data merge with MPG/Displacement- Jupyter Notebook
- Autolist Data merge with Fuel Economy Database - Jupyter Notebook
2.2 Data Tansform - API Data
Key Car information extracted is as below:
- Year
- Make
- Model
- Transmission type
- Displacement
- CarQuery API Data Transformation - Json file was downloaded from CarQuery Website - Jupyter Notebook
3. Data Analysis
3.1 Car Information Analysis
Question: Can a relationship be made between car prices and fuel econnomy?
- By using Generate Kernel Density Estimate plot using Gaussian kernels
The following chart showing the displacement of individual results underlaid by a distribution graph showing the highest density of results. This database was almost entirely made up of used cars, therefore the results we see are a representation of the fuel economy in relation to the list price of available used cars. The final conclusion here is that in small numbers, used cars of all fuel economies are available across all price points. However there is a trend with the majority of 5k−10k cars having 20mpg or less. The trend gradually increases to demonstrate that a high number of used cars are available at the 15k−20k price point that are far more fuel efficient, between 23 and 30 mpg.These results are driven by two main factors, 1/ New cars tend to have better fuel economy, and newer used cars are more expensive. Secondly, Cars with higher fuel economy and the technologies associated with them also tend to be more expensive.
Question: Can a relationship be made between displacement (motor size) and fuel econnomy?
This chart displays the relationship between displacement and fuel economy. In modern cars, lower displacement turbo charged motors are producing the same or even more horsepower than the larger displacement naturally aspirated motors. The graph here seems to indicate that fuel economy improves with smaller displacement regardless of turbo charging and horsepower gains. There are a couple “outliers” with “super fuel efficiency”. These are the result of small displacement “Hybrids” which supplement combustion power with electrical power, and represent another level of fuel economy.
Question: Can a relationship be made between car brand (make) and fuel econnomy?
This bar graph displays the relationship between car manufacturer and fuel economy. As expected, there is a clear correlation between the entry level or “economy brands having better fuel economy. Luxury and sports cars tend to put a premium on power and weigh more, while economy cars put more emphasis on operating costs. This trend can be clearly seen with one exception: Lexus, while being a “luxury” brand, in this particular data set is number 1 for fuel economy. This can be explained by the fact that Toyota was one of the first to the mass-market with hybrid technology (Prius). They were also one of the first to introduce this hybrid technology to their luxury division (Lexus). As this database is based on used cars, it stands to reason that both Toyota and lexus would be found in the top 4 for fuel economy. The other two in the top 4 are Fiat and Kia who are both known for primarily making sub-compact cars which by nature are very fuel efficient.
3.2 Kijiji Data Analysis
Total car sales on kijiji website in GTA area based on Model Year
From the chart, we know the most listing used cars’ model year is around 2015. Partly because after four years driving, the car is off lease and warranty is gone. So people is seeking to sell it.
Brand Numbers on kijiji website in GTA area
Top three used car listing all are Germany brand: Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and BMW
Average Mileages based on Brands on Kijiji website
Amerian used cars always have the higher mileages while the luxury used cars may have lower mileages.
Average Price based on Brands on Kijiji website
Luxury brand used cars still have high re-sell values
Average List Price vs Average Mileage Kernel Density Estimate
Most used cars’ mileages will be around the 100,000km and the average price will be likely below $20,000.
Average price of vehicles by vehicle type and brand
Average mileage of vehicles by vehicle type and brand
Mercedes-Benz Used Cars Data Analysis
Model Year: major between 2007 to 2016 Price: mainly below $40,000 Mileage: mainly around 100K km
Lising used car Color Analysis on kijiji websit
Black and White is the most populor used car color. The second tier is the Grey color and Silver
3.3 Autolist Data Analysis
- Price vs. Miles per Galon - cars made in 2015 (USA)
- Displacement vs. Miles per Galon (USA data)
- Price vs. Displacement - cars made in 2015 (USA)
- [MPG by make (USA data)]
4. Load
put all data into MySql server via pymysql
Data Load to MySql Server - Jupyter Notebook